
Showing posts from January, 2010

Fight the Power

A recent event in Denver, Colorado highlights the critical need for every poker player to join the Pokers Player Alliance ( ) and ensure your voice is heard in Congress. Last week the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, along with the Denver Police Department, raided a local bar that was holding a $10 buy in poker game. The game was a long tradition at the bar and in no way could be considered anything more than a fun little diversion for the bar patrons. If a whopping 30 people participated, then a bank busting $300 was on the line. If the actions of the CBI and DPD weren’t bad enough to start with, their actions after the raid are what really stress the problems poker players are having in this country. The Poker Players Alliance contacted the owners of the bar and offered their services, free of charge, in defending the game in court. The owners declined, because they were threatened by the CBI and DPD if they took such assistance. In a nutshell, the owners of t...