Reggie the Wonder Pug

On a recent Facebook post, my son said "Just took a nap with a pug. Name something better". I laughed when I first read it, but then got to thinking about the reason he said it. You see, a few years ago our older son came home one day with a little surprise. He had gone to the pet store and bought what I considered then to be the ugliest dog I had ever seen. If you've never seen a pug puppy, then you have no idea what I'm talking about. There is simply nothing about them that you would find even remotely attractive. Bulging eyes, no neck, squatty body, and a smashed in face. I certainly wasn't in any mood to welcome another dog into the house either. We already had Bo, who was well over 10 years old at the time. Why in the world would we want another poop machine in the house. Well, it seems that my vote wasn't counted in this election. Valerie took one look at the rat and proclaimed it to be the cutiest thing she had ever seen. (Yeah, it made me ...